On behalf of those who benefit from the Diocesan Support Appeal, thank you for your generosity. The theme of the 2024 Diocesan Support Appeal is “One Body in Christ.” Inspired by 1 Corinthians 12:12, it reminds us that we are called to join together in Christ’s love to serve one another with compassion. This aligns with our new pastoral priorities for the diocese calling the faithful to draw from our communion with Christ in the Eucharist to strengthen communion within families and within the Church.
The purpose of the Diocesan Support Appeal (DSA) is to help provide the annual funding necessary to carry out the mission of our diocese – namely to fulfill our call to “grow ever more perfectly into a community of praise, worship and witness, and to become a leaven of service and sign of peace through love in the Piedmont and Western North Carolina.” The DSA provides funding for the ministerial arm of the diocese.
The DSA provides support for more than 20 services that Catholic Charities of Charlotte offers throughout the diocese. The appeal also provides funding for the Housing Ministry, Education Ministries (providing over 30 different services), Multicultural Ministries, Eucharistic Congress, and Vocations. Some of these ministries provide services beyond the scope of individual parishes and some exist for the sole purpose of assisting parishes in their own mission to teach, evangelize and serve.
DSA Video One Body in Christ DSA Video Un Cuerpo en Cristo
Our parish assessment goal for 2024 is $37,935.00
Ways to Donate
Pledge: Make a pledge that may be paid in up to 10 installments by EFT, credit card, or check. Monthly reminders will be sent by Email or mail until the pledge is paid.
Online: donations may be made online at www.charlottediocese.org/dsa
One-Time Donations: Give a one-time contribution in response to a mailing you receive or in-pew appeal. Please make checks payable to the “DSA” and note the name of your parish in the memo line of the check. Do not send cash through the mail.
Stock Donation: Make a donation of publicly traded securities and receive the tax benefits for giving appreciated stock. Instructions are online at www.charlottediocese.org/documents/stock-donation-form.
IRA Contribution: For donors over 70 1/2 years of age, contact your Financial Advisor to request a charitable distribution from your IRA.
Loving God,
You call us to a life of service,
entrusting to us the mission of making your name and your love known.
We strive each day to use your generous gifts to grow ever more faithfully
into a community of faith and love, attracting people to your Son, Jesus.
We are grateful for your gifts.
Help us to use them wisely in Your service.
Keep us ever mindful of the many needs of our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Help us recognize the presence of Your Son in them and respond to the
Diocesan Support Appeal with love, compassion and generosity.
May our words and actions be a response to your great love,
in the name of Jesus the Lord. Amen