Saturday Vigil Mass
4:30 PM English
7 PM Spanish
Sunday Mass
10 AM Mass English
12 PM Mass Spanish
Daily Mass
Tuesday to Friday at 12 PM
Wednesday at 7:30 PM Spanish
Thursday 7 – 8 PM
Thursday in Advent & Lent 6 – 8 PM
Friday 11–11:45 AM and 12:45 – 1:15 PM
Saturday 3-4 PM or by appointment (Text 704-269-8537)
Sunday 6 AM – 7 AM
Thursday 8 AM – 8 PM
Friday 11 AM – 11:45 AM
A Sacramental Emergency is defined as a Catholic in near death who needs to be Anointed and receive Last Rites. Please call (704) 269-8537 and leave a detailed voicemail with the following information:
- Name of the individual
- Name of Contact Person
- Location (hospital & room number)
- Whether or not they are able to consume communion